

How to Hire an iPhone App Developer: 5 Steps

Hiring an iPhone App development is an extremely arduous and time-consuming task as iPhone development is a highly demanding area in mobile app development sector.


1. Register at It is always advantageous and necessary to avail registered Apple Services if you plan to sell your app. Once you register you will get your own developer ID which can be used to configure you bank account for direct deposit. The iPhone development company you hire will then submit the App on your behalf to the App Store for approval.

2. Use a Non-Disclosure Agreements. It's for your own protection. It is the current trend to sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) while hiring the services of any iPhone development company. Although signing of NDAs for apps already in the app store is not necessary you might want to do the same to protect your original ideas

3. Ensure crystal clear Requirements. It is always beneficial to define your specific business requirements while ensuring that the iPhone developer is estimating on the same functionality and specifications. On grounds of good practice, you might as well consider keeping a document specifying your functionalities, an RFQ/RFP, a flowchart, a .jpg mock up, an email. This document can be of immense help for the iPhone developer to keep track of your requirements.

4. Always make sure you are available and ready to talk about your project details when iPhone developers contact you. This happens mostly after you fill out a lead form on a website which contains your phone number and email. You ubiquitous nature will certainly pave your way to more creative and better iPhone app development. Before hiring an iPhone developer it is better to do some research in the App stores. A realistic approach to finding an app developer to suite your requirements and your budget is what you would like to undertake for the best results.

5. Finalize an exact finished price and get an approved written document before the project work starts. This will ensure that each party understands the know-hows of the payment process.


  • Outsourcing your application development requirements can be a suitable option if your priority is a quality solution with low cost.

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