How to Create an Online Learning Website: 4 Steps (with Pictures)
An online learning website is an opportunity for teachers and students to learn and teach online with computer teaching aids like Adobe flash, Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and other computer teaching aids. You can easily create a free learning website and you can earn money by sitting at home. It is a great experience.
1. Create a free website or buy a domain. You can create a free website by using online builders like Weebly, Yola, Doodle kit, Bravenet etc. You can also buy a domain online.
2. Edit your website either using content management systems like Joomla or using software like Dreamweaver, Microsoft Front Page etc. You can also edit your free website using the system provided by your free website host. You should make clear about the what you will teach, how will you teach and what you will charge? Create teaching sessions within a time slot and either publish your text content online or create a online chat room. This can help children to raise questions while teaching.
3. Add images, videos, flash videos and other multimedia elements to make your online class more interactive and useful.
4. Publish your website and advertise your website.
- You can also create a community of teachers where teachers can apply to teach online. You can also charge some few dollars to apply.
- You can also earn revenue of your website by publishing advertisement.
- If you do not want to create a website, you can teach online by using ready-made website like,,, etc
- If you give assignments at the end of the class, you can create an online submitting form in your website.
- You can also charge some extra dollars if a student wants to learn in extra time.
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