

How to Create a Photography Portfolio Website Using Pixpa

A photography portfolio is a must for professional photographers. In the internet age, the physical portfolio has been taken over by portfolio websites. There are scores of website building services that allows users to create visually stunning portfolio websites. Pixpa is one such service that offers an easy way to showcase, share, publish and sell photographs online with style and simplicity and it doesn't require any technical knowledge to do the same.


1. Choose your site name and login to Pixpa

2. Choose your design. The next step is to choose a design for your website. On the Pixpa website there is a design section from which you can choose from a range of 100 preset designs. You can switch designs with a simple click and decide which one suits requirements the best. Further, there is also an option wherein one can customize the design by picking different color, fonts, background and other visual elements.

3. Add content. Once you are done with the basics, add suitable content to your website. With a flexible menu structure, unlimited galleries, information pages and external links, Pixpa makes this task easier for you. The structure section on the Pixpa website can further be easily employed to add images, video galleries, slideshows, external links and embedded content to your personalized website.

4. Edit Site settings. After this you can customize global settings for your website including logo, site title, music, language localization and several other options that are just a click away on the control panel of your website on Pixpa.

5. Optimize for search engines. This is the most significant step that will finally determine the success of your website. You can add metadata to optimize your website for search engines or you can also attach SEO metadata across all content items to achieve best results.

6. Now connect your account to your registered domain name and go live. The final step is to create your own unique domain name that marks your professional online presence. You can also create email forwarders that go with your domain name. Lastly, you can connect your personal domain name with your website and get started.

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