

How to Create a Website With Google Sites: 8 Steps

Google Sites is a free website base where you can make your very own website.


1. Making an account. To start off you MUST have a Google or Gmail account. If you don't have an account, Sign Up for a Google Account

2. Finding your Way. Now, once you have a Google or Gmail account, go to your Google search bar and type Google sites. Click the link of the first result.

3. Creating your site. This it should bring you to a white page. On the left side of this page, there should be a bold red button that says CREATE, click on it.

4. Designing your site. If you want choose one of the templates at the top of the page. (you don't have to.) next, name you site. Then, type in the web address you want. the name you want may already be taken, if it is, you will have to go back and type in a different one. Then Select a theme, by clicking on "select a theme" Last, type in the security code shown.

5. Press "CREATE". then it will take you to your site. it may take some time to load.

6. Once you made your site, it will bring you to your homepage. Press the pencil button in the top of the page to edit. You can write some things then change the title, if you'd like.

7. To create a new page, Click on the button that has a piece of paper with a + next to it. Add the title of your page, then press create page.

8. Now add some picture on your Google Site.

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