

How to Create a Successful Website: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

A website can be a great way to tell people about yourself, join the community of whatever you are writing about and impress your friends. Anybody can own their own piece of the web, but not every site will be successful. Hopefully, this article will help you create a website that is successful and popular.


1. Think about what kind of website you will be doing. There's no point in paying $200 for a domain name and then realizing that you've no clue what to do with it. You could make a blog, a fansite, a games site, a help site, or a million other things.

2. Map out all your plans, and then create your website. This could mean going on wordpress, intuit websites, Geocities and making one or it could mean even paying for your own unique domain name.

3. Give your website a funky layout that people like looking at. Make sure it's not a sickly shade of green or a polka dot design that gives you a headache.

4. Be certain that you have something to offer. Give plenty of information, links, images, widgets, et cetera. Don't make the information too dull, and accompany the text with pictures when necessary.

5. Make sure you can receive feedback from your viewers. Put your e-mail on the website or have a forum/chatbox.

6. Make your website interactive as well as informative. Put quizzes, polls and plenty of input opportunities on your website. Don't cram it all with widgets, though.

7. Establish a base of fans, viewers and friends. Give them something that will encourage them to keep coming back.

8. Make yourself known in the world of whatever you're writing about. Get to know the owners of similar sites and get lots of people to link to you.

9. Even when your site is famous, don't forget to regularly update. This is a surefire way to keep the people coming.


  • Winning an award from another site always boosts hits. Don't be afraid to apply for one.
  • If you are buying a domain name and you find an available one like, feel free to stop working on your hypothetical website and instead wait for your domain name to go up in value.
  • When your website is new/unpopular, spread the word to your friends and e-mail lots of people. This always helps.


  • Putting your information on the web can be dangerous, as you don't know who will see it. If you're unsure about personal info, password lock the pages with your personal stuff or don't put too much information on.
  • The Net is fickle, and your website may go from top to flop in one night. Don't worry about it too much, the Internet is massive and sometimes these things just happen.

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