

How to Save a Nethack Game on a Unix Like System: 6 Steps

So you're on Dungeon Level 19, and you know Finger of Death. Then, without thinking, you put on an Amulet that turns out to be a Cursed Amulet of Strangulation. You die, and your progress dies with you. Not anymore!


1. Save your characters progress by exiting.

2. Now, from the terminal, enter "cd /var/games/nethack/save; ls"

3. You should find a see a file with, if your name was John, 500John.bz2. Copy that to your home directory or wherever you want to backup your save files.

4. Die. Well, don't try to die, but it's near inevitable.

5. Now, go back to the directory where you kept your save file. Enter this command "cp 500John.bz2 /var/games/nethack/save"

6. Restore your game, and you'll have the same progress as you did when you backed it up. Congratulations! You've cheated death!


  • Make a new directory for your Nethack save files. Your home directory will junk up fast.


  • Identify an Amulet before putting it on.

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