

5 Ways to Record Phone Calls on an iPhone

Whether you're a journalist who likes to keep a recording of your phone interviews for notes, a businessman who wants to be able to revisit a phone conference, or are trying to learn how to become a better communicator, having a recording of your calls can be very beneficial. This article will show you how to capture your iPhone conversations for reference and posterity. Read on!

Method 1 of 5: Using Google Voice

1. Create a Google account. If you don't have one already, navigate to and create a Google account.

2. Download and install the Google Voice app from the App Store. It's free, and lets you record incoming calls.

3. Sign up for Google Voice. Visit to create an account. Log into your Google account (or create one), then click "Get a Voice Number" in the left-hand column.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to determine your Google phone number. It can be your own phone number, or you can get a new number just for Google Phone.
  • Getting a number from Google is free. Simply enter an area code, city, or zip code, and you will have a list to choose from. You can also add a word, phrase, or set of numbers that Google will try to match for the phone number. For example, if you live in Milwaukee, and are a florist, you could submit "Milwaukee - 4LILIES" and you may be able to get that as your number.
  • Porting your existing cell phone number has a one-time fee of $20USD, and will terminate your existing service with your carrier. This carries the potential of significant early termination fees, so it's a very good idea to research your options carefully before doing this.
  • Note that Google Voice is only available in the U.S.

4. Set up your Google Voice account. If you've chosen to get a Google number, or port your existing number to Google Voice, you can set up your phone to record incoming calls.

5. Log into Google Voice in your browser. Navigate to Click on the gear icon, and select "Settings."
  • Click the Calls tab, then click the checkbox to the right of Call Options to enable call recording.
  • Click "Save Changes."
  • You can enable recording during a call by pressing 4 at any time. To stop recording, press 4 again.
  • Note: per Google, Google Voice does not record outbound calls at this time.Google Voice will also announce to all parties that the call is being recorded.

Method 2 of 5: Using Skype

1. Create a Skype account. If you don't already have one, download Skype from the App Store (it's free), and create your account.

2. Get the app for your iPhone. You can get this at the App Store. At the same time, download and install the Skype application for your computer at You will need this to sign up for credits you use to make calls.

3. Launch a recording app. Some must be in the foreground while you're recording, while some can operate in the background (which is better for video calls!).
  • Some voice recorders have time limits or other restrictions. While they are generally very inexpensive, research which app is best for your own needs.

4. Record your call over Skype. If your recorder will not work in the background, make your call from Skype, and when the call has connected simply switch to your recording app and hit the record button. If it does work in the background, enable recording, then switch to Skype and make your call.
  • When you're done recording, you can download your call file to your computer, where you can edit it, email it, or simply free up space on your iPhone's drive.

Method 3 of 5: Using an iPhone App

1. Visit the App Store. Because of the legal complications of recording phone calls, Apple will shut down most in-phone recording applications the moment a call is placed. However, there are some apps that will route the calls through their call centers, allowing them to record your call, and store it on their servers for your disposition.
  • Generally, these apps are free or inexpensive, but they will require you to purchase minutes.
  • Make sure your phone plan includes 3-way calling, as this is how apps get around Apple's restrictions.

2. Research and find the best app for your needs. In iTunes, search for "phone call recording." There are a number possibilities, and range in price from free to $9.99 USD (as of 1/13).
  • Some will charge by the call, some by the number of minutes used, and some have a monthly fee with unlimited calls.
  • Also check to see how long each recording can be. Many limit the length of call, and will automatically halt the recording (but not the call!) when that limit expires.
  • Some record to a 3rd-party server, while some record to the cloud.
  • Be aware that some services will automatically play an notification to the person you called, informing them they are about to be recorded. Some may play a periodic beep to remind the caller of that fact.
  • Pick the app that offers the combination of price, features, and recording time that your needs require.

3. Launch your app and make a call. While the particulars will vary from app to app, they all work in essentially the same way. You'll be connected to their servers, then the call will be merged with the person you are calling.
  • When the call is merged, the recording begins. When the call ends, or you've gone over the allotted or available recording time, the recording is terminated automatically.

4. Play back your call. The calls are stored either in the cloud, or on your provider's servers, and will be displayed in a list.
  • Some services even provide online storage, management, and retrieval.
  • You can often edit your calls, trimming to only the parts of the call you want to save. From there, you can email or manage the recordings as you would any other computer file.

Method 4 of 5: Using an Android phone

1. Download an app called Call Recorder Pro. You will need to pay for it.

2. Set up the app according to its instructions. Call Recorder Pro will automatically record every inbound and outbound call, without letting the other party know so. The recording will be stored on the phone's SD-card.

3. Consider your country's legal ramifications. It is often illegal to record people without notifying them first, depending on your jurisdiction. Know the rules and adhere to them.

Method 5 of 5: Using Hardware

1. Use an external recorder. If you have other hardware available to use, such as an iPad, a computer with a microphone, or even an old cassette tape recorder, you can try recording your calls the old-fashioned way.

2. Place your iPhone in front of you. This works best if you're in a quiet room. You will be placing your call on speaker, and recording that. If the room is noisy, you'll also record that noise.

3. Position your microphone. If you're using a laptop or a tablet, make sure the microphone is near your phone. If you're using an external mic, position it so that it's pointing at the bottom right edge of your iPhone: that's where the speaker is.

4. Launch your recording application. There are a number of recording applications for both the PC and the Macintosh, including apps that are part of your OS:
  • For Macintosh, QuickTime Player offers simple audio recording and playback.
  • Similarly, on a PC, Sound Recorder offers the same functionality.
  • Audacity is a free application for all platforms, including Linux.

5. Test the connection. With the recorder running, test to make sure it's working so that you don't have something like 4:33 of silence! A great way to test and make your recording more effective is to make a pre-call memo about the call.
  • For example, "Calling Johnson about the McMaster's account." When you make the memo, you should see the recording meter respond. If it doesn't respond, or lights up red lights, adjust the input of your recording software as necessary.

6. Make your phone call. Make sure the speaker is engaged, and when the caller answers, be sure to inform them that they are being recorded.

7. Finalize your recording. When you're finished making your call, hang up. Speak any follow-up notes that might occur to you about the call, then stop the recorder.


  • Don't use headphones when on a call, or only your side of the conversation will be recorded.
  • Skype and Google will also work on your iPad.


  • Recording phone conversations is considered "wiretapping" in some jurisdictions, and either the law does not permit it, or will require you to notify anybody who is on the call that they are being recorded. The laws differ from state to state, and from country to country, so be sure to know the applicable rules in both your location and and the location of the people you call.

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