

How to Find The Best Cell Phone Deal: 5 Steps

With so many cell phone deals on the market, the task of choosing the right one is sometimes confusing. Fortunately, the process can be simplified by taking the time to identify providers with a reputation for offering great deals and comparing what those providers offer in the way of price, performance and features.


1. Create a list of providers known to offer the best cell phone deals in your area. Use resources like the local telephone directory as well as any local, state or provincial regulatory agency that oversees the offering of cell phone packages in the area.

2. Identify the range of services and features that must be included in the deal.Along with the ability to make and receive telephone calls, the features may include easy dialling of emergency services, Internet access, texting capability and a camera. Doing so will make it easier to avoid deals that do not include the scope of desired features and services and focus attention on the deals that are more likely to be satisfactory.

3. Compare pricing between several different cell phone deals. The idea is to get all the features you consider necessary, along with any other features that you may find helpful later on while still paying the most competitive price. Take the time to look at consumer reports of any model you consider, since cellular phone bargains are not really bargains if the phones do not provide reliable performance. Once you are sure that the phone is a high quality product that includes everything you need at an affordable price, you are ready to lock in your cell phone deal and make a purchase.

4. Gather information on each cell phone deal from as many different sources as possible. Look for online reviews and also ask opinions from friends, relatives and other acquaintances. This will often help you determine if a particular cell phone deal lives up to the provider's claims or if you need to consider other options.

5. Evaluate the provisions of the contract associated with the cell phone deal, especially duration and exit clauses. The deals term should not be greater than you consider acceptable, and there should not be recourse for cancelling the deal if the provider fails to comply with all the provisions of the agreement.


  • Consider the design of the different cell phones offered as part of the deal. Depending on the range of features required, a simple flip style phone may be sufficient. People who browse the Internet or frequently send text messages will probably enjoy the use of a phone equipped with a retractable QWERTY keyboard. Customers with vision problems may find that a cell phone with larger key displays is more to their liking.

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